martedì 27 novembre 2012

Jose Mujica, President of Uruguay who gives to the poor 90% of his salary

Waiver of comfort and luxury becomes the President the world's poorest. It is the uruguaianoJose Mujica, who chose to give to the poor, 90% of his state salary and to sleep in the presidential mansion homeless. On the other hand, with a salary of $ 775 per month, he lives in the country, where he grows a garden and leads a simple life and basic insiema to his wife, Senator Lucía Topolansky, and his dogs.
No blue car, no money like water. The President of Uruguay work the land, collects water from a well and personally extends his clothes on the wires in the garden. When he belonged among the Tupamaros, a radical organization inspired by the Marxist Cuban Revolution, which robbed banks and handed out money to the poor and money to the poor, ilsuo nom de guerre was "Pepe".
Because of this political activity, lived under the motto "The world divides us; action unites us", he spent 14 years in prison, until 1985, many of them in isolation. For this President Mujica is a very special, whose good more "valuable" is a beetle blue 1987. To tell his story to the BBC, a report by Vladimir Hernandez.
Mujica says: "I have lived this way most of my life. I can live with what I have. They say I'm the president poorer, but I do not feel poor. Poor people - plus the president - are the ones that work just to maintain a laid back lifestyle and expensive, and they always want more. It 'a matter of freedom. If you do not have a lot, you do not need to work like a slave all your life to keep all that you have. And so you have more time to indulge yourself. "
It is precisely his sober lifestyle and its income "normal", totally the opposite of the majority of the presidents of the world, to ensure that many people to sympathize with the former Uruguayan guerrilla. Although, certainly not even he is immune to criticism coming his government, with the opposition pointing the finger at the health services, the education system in the South American country, the law makes it legal abortion for pregnancies up to the twelfth weeks passed by Congress, which did not oppose, or even against his willingness to legalize cannabis.
But the president sui generis, which does not use Twitter, wears jeans and sells the products of the land in a popular flea market on Sundays, no one seems to care. Even so, considering his 77 years of age, probably not standing for re-election in 2014. Politics aside, Mujica will remain for always, an example of a servant of the State who has renounced its privileges, preferring them to his people.

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